Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wooden Floors and Strawberry Jam

This morning we popped over to my daughter's to help her finish oiling her attic bedroom floorboards - they have been sanded, and oiled twice so just one last application to do today.

After a light lunch it was up to the shop to buy some sugar to make Strawberry Jam with the berries we picked yesterday. I was delighted to bump into a friend I hadn't seen for quite a while but we had a quick(ish) catch up chat.

Then, using a very old Marguerite Patten cookbook that used to belong to Mum, I made the jam .... I do wish I were a natural at it. I THINK I got it to set!! It's bottled or jarred or whatever now - I brought back 2 dinky Bonne Maman jars from yesterday's cream teas - just about big enough to accommodate 1 strawberry each!

I've just come up to the computer to print the labels - lazy I know! But it's an ideal chance to blog. If anyone's got any tips about jam making would love to hear them.


Lace hearts said...

The labels look lovely. I think strawberry jam is the hardest of all, but it is delicious. I always get the setting times wrong, though.

Sandie said...

Yes, the jam is more of a runny preserve! Need some practice, so will have to try again soon.