Why Dancing on a Blade of Grass ?
The words are from a song I love - called "September Grass" written by John Sheldon, sung by James Taylor and played at our wedding - sadly not by JT himself!
Do you see those ants dancing on a blade of grass?
Do you know what I know?
That's you and me, baby. We're so small and the world's so vast"
I like to think that the ants represent us - tiny beings in a great big world.
According to John Sheldon:-
Sandie, Thank you for your message. In my version of "September Grass", those ants were merely "crawling" on that blade. James made them "dance". They're still crawling in my version...oh well. The main thing is, I'm glad you noticed those ants...I think they are the heroes of the song. Cheers, and thanks again...JIS
Not sure now whether this is clear, but no doubt you will tell me!
I took the photo at West Woods near Marlborough last week - not certain if you will be able to see a blade of grass - but - one thing IS for sure - the scent of the bluebells was intoxicating.
I love Bluebells, gorgeous :)
Theres a passage in the Bible that talks about how not a single sparrow falls to the ground without God knowing and caring about it..meaning how much more does He care about us!
So, if we are just teeny little ants (dancing or standing LOL)thats ok too, because we are not so small that He doesn't, and He's not so big that He can't, care.
Godd luck with your blog,
God bless,
Rasp xx
Welcome to the world of blogging honey. A very lovely first post!
Lea xx
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