It's a very overcast day but the garden looks cheerful, under the gaze of the Green Man in the lime tree - can you spot the little mouse in his leafy hair?
I'm probably going to ramble on about some of the following on this blog - environment/green living, frugal/simple living, gardening, recipes, music, sewing, shabby chic projects, family history and I'll be posting a lot of my photos (old and new).
The bluebell photo at the very top of this page was taken at West Woods near Marlborough, May 2008.
Do you see those ants dancing on a blade of grass? Do you know what I know? That's you and me, baby. We're so small and the world's so vast. written by John Sheldon sung by James Taylor see "The Very First Post" 13 May 2008
WoW are you a Photographer Sandie, your pics are fantastic. :-)
God Bless
Gorgeous pictures! I have a white bleeding heart blooming also.
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