Saturday, July 12, 2008

Rainy Day Random Post

It's raining yet again and I have blogblock at the moment, so I've just been looking through my photos to find something to remind me of SUNSHINE and WARMTH.

These, taken at Alice Springs a couple of years ago, might do the trick ....

I loved these beautiful Masked Devil Cicadas (so incredibly noisy) on a gum tree by the Todd River ...

This photo always reminds me of what a HOT day it was - but at least it was dry heat not that rainforest damp stuff!...
The aforementioned mighty Todd River at Alice ....

The delightful Olive Pink Botanic Garden ...

Mmmmm ... I think that has helped a bit.

Now, IF ONLY we could do a weather swap .... and help Australia alleviate its current record drought conditions.


Anonymous said...

It's just amazing how different the flora and fauna are! Oh to be able to live all over the world...sigh!

Tonya said...

This weather is horrible, isn't it? I would love to go to Australia, lucky you to have the memories!

Sandie said...

Tonya - It's probably much the same where you are, as you are just "up the road" so to speak.

angel said...

Hello Honey,
Did those buggy thingys line themselves up like that or did you have to stick pins in them first.

Well you have cheered me up looking at your photo's, thanks Sandie. Mwah. X x X x X x X

Sandie said...

Nope they were just like that on the eucalyptus tree - HUGE great cicadas "singing" away with thousands of others which were on the other trees but a bit high up to photograph ....

Lace hearts said...

What a lovely idea - loved looking at the pics. Oh, for a perfect blue summer sky! x

angel said...

Look lastics acting all growed up!

They are big bugs Sandle..... dont wanna meet on of those on a dark night. *gulp*